Jade Jordan, Kristi Maxx – I Tongued Her FAT ASS Before We Had Sex
It’s Kristi and I again! This time, instead of her fucking me up, I totally wrecked her slutty cunt-hole. Black-on-black passion–at its finest–is a great way to sum up this video. We have great chemistry on camera; it all felt natural, even when just talking to her. We start with a quick intro, which quickly escalates into me groping/fondling her HUGE BREASTS. After I got me feels in, I couldn’t resist. So, I took them out of her slutty outfit and began literally sucking on them. I’m the complete “sexy-fat-whore” package. I say that to bring further emphasis to the fact that I’m a nasty gal! I’m actually bi-sexual, so when I’m having sexual interactions with a female, I literally cum in my panties. To continue, after sucking those boobs
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