Home » Big Tits » Liza Biggs – A Caramel Bombshell 2023

Liza Biggs – A Caramel Bombshell 2023

Liza Biggs – A Caramel Bombshell 2023

Liza Biggs proves that some blessings are a gift and a curse. One of the things this applies to is the mountain of tit flesh she has on her chest. They’re a gift of course, because well, look at them! They’re JJJ cups! They’re soft and heavy but still manage to be perky. But you’re probably wondering how these fun bags could ever be a curse. Well, it’s because no red blooded man can ever take his eyes off of them. And when you have as pretty a face as Liza does, well, that feature should get some appreciation, too. “I was distracted,” our videographer says as our scene opens with the camera affixed on her tits. “I was looking at something. You look very classic bombshell at the moment.” Even decked out in a Marilyn Monroe-inspired outfit, we just can’t take our eyes off of those massive mams. One of Marilyn’s many nicknames was “The Blonde Bombshell.” We think Liza is worthy of taking on the moniker “caramel bombshell.” What do you think? With seemingly endless curves, a bright smile and perfect tits, it’s fitting.

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